Movement is an integral component to our bodily health and mental wellness. As descendants of hunters and gatherers, being physically fit was necessary for survival - you had no choice but to keep up. We’ve devolved from this in many ways as modern humans, opting for convenience, in many instances, to our own detriment. There has never been a more physically stagnant time in history, as our devices give us quick and easy access to whatever we need, with just a few phone taps.
Exercise increases circulation, which brings vibrancy to the skin and simultaneously lowers cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. Movement helps our bodies feel stronger, more dynamic and energetic, in turn allowing our minds to follow suit. To amplify muscle firmness and tone, move your body every day. Walk, run, dance, lift weights. Tune into your beautiful body and move in ways that feel best for you. No matter how you’re moving, find a way to make it somewhat challenging…this is where the magic and growth happens.
Feeling good internally allows your inner beauty to reflect outwardly…